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clothe the gap
Unfortunately the children and youth we serve have no control over most aspects of their life including clothing
In one school alone there are 45 cases each week where children wet or soil themselves at school. Most of these cases involve kids dealing with trauma. Children are not alone in this; our youth are affected too.
Reach Out Today fills this gap by collecting and delivering clothing to schools in high need. The counselors and United Way representatives then distribute at their discretion. The items need to be new to increase longevity, and to align with school policies.
Poverty is an extensive issue. Some kids only have ONE set of clothes for the whole school year! When children come to school wearing the same unwashed clothing every day, that means there are struggles at home.
Reach Out Today provides clothing detergent and Laundromat tokens to be distributed as needed to those families that don't regularly have the ability to clean their clothes.
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